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Rapha Shalom Alpaca Farm is currently home to ten beautiful Huacaya Alpacas. We have six boys; Samson, Sergio, Sebastian, Sako, Shinook, and Ewan. Our four girls are Nikki, Eva, Sadie, and Cocoa. Ewan is the only alpaca born on our farm.


Samson is our alpha male. You’ll often see Samson standing tall and proud in the field where he can see both the boys and girls pens to make sure all is well. He’s the first to run out to meet you and if he approves, the rest of the guys follow. Samson was one of the original four boys we brought home at six months old in 2012 and Rapha Shalom Alpaca Farm was born. This gentle giant loves greeting new guests and may even give you a kiss!


Sergio is our craziest alpaca. He loves to be petted and will stand still so you can love on him, however he is often the instigator of mischief among the boys. Sergio was one of the original four boys we brought home at six months old in 2012 and Rapha Shalom Alpaca Farm was born.


Sebastian is our second in command alpaca and he guards his spot diligently. Along with a cute white face, Sebastian has the unique and quite sought after rose gray fleece. He was one of the original four boys we brought home at six months old in 2012 and Rapha Shalom Alpaca Farm was born. Given the chance, Sebastian will steal everyone’s (except Samson’s) grain!


Sako was the fifth male alpaca to be added to Rapha Shalom’s herd when he was 2 years old. Short and stocky, Sako is one or our top fiber producers. Head held high, you will often see Sako standing in the field by himself taking in his surroundings.


Shinook is our shiest and most gentle alpaca and is Abby’s favorite. With colors ranging from cream to dark chocolate, and a hint of cinnamon, our smallest alpaca has a coat of many colors! Shinook will nibble grain out of your hands with the softest touch. He was one of the original four boys we brought home at six months old in 2012 and Rapha Shalom Alpaca Farm was born. 


Irish: “God’s Gift”

“He’ll never walk,” 

“He won’t survive,” we were told.

Meet our miracle baby, Ewan.

Born August 10, 2016 with separated neck vertebrae, he could not stand, walk, or nurse. Thanks to the Purdue University Cria Clinic, 6 months of bottle feeding by Esther and lots of prayer, Ewan is now an energetic, happy, curious, normal (and sometimes onery) little alpaca. Ewan freely lavishes you with his kisses and loves to be the center of attention.


Nikki is very curious and is the mother of Rapha Shalom’s very own rascal, Ewan.

Nikki loves kisses and gently takes grain from Roger’s lips. She has a beautiful cinnamon color coat that will surely catch your eye. You will often see Nikki and Ewan grazing together in the pasture or running side by side.


Eva came to our farm as a 2 year old, and had a rough start, but she is a survivor. Soon after her arrival, we returned from a trip to find her partially paralyzed in her hind quarters. Her recovery has been slow, but thanks to the fine vets at the Milford Animal Clinic, she is able to walk and even run in a unique sideways manner. 


Sadie is our alpha female. When we take care of the animals, she makes sure all the other girls are taken care of first and guards them out in the pasture. If she senses something wrong, she will sound the alarm. Sadie loves it when little children come to visit.


Cocoa loves to eat and is usually first in line to get to food. She will even push you out of the way at the hay manger if she thinks you aren’t moving fast enough! Instead of drinking out of the water bucket like a normal alpaca, Cocoa likes to wash her feet instead! Cocoa loves visitors and will try to give you kisses. 

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